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Labels Index for S
S&S (loc?)
SA (Ga.)
SAQ (Ohio)
SAS (Ohio)
SGM (Ind.)
SL (loc?)
SQ (loc?)
SRS (Kansas)
Sabbath Music (loc?)
Sacra-Tone (loc?)
Sacred (Calif.)
Sacred (Texas)
Sacred (loc?)
Sacred Custom (Calif.)
Sacred Gems (Ga.)
Sacred Heart (Ala.)
Sacred Knof (Minn.)
Sacred Melody (loc?)
Sacred Music (Mo.)
Sacred Selections (Ind.)
Sacred Soul (loc?)
Sacred Sounds (loc?)
Sacred Tone (Ohio)
Saga (Ind.)
Sage (Calif.)
Sage And Sand (Calif.)
Salem (Va.)
Samaritan (Ga.)
San-Don (Tenn.)
San-Dus (Ohio)
Sandra (loc?)
Sandy (Ala.)
Sansom (W.Va.)
Sardis (N.C.)
Sarg (Texas)
Savoy (N.J.)
Saxon (loc?)
Scenic (loc?)
Scenic Land (Ohio)
Scoggins (loc?)
Scott (Ohio)
Scratch (Mo.)
Scripture (N.J.)
Sea Gull (loc?)
Sea Jay (Pa.)
Sea-Pass (Ga.)
Sealey (Ohio)
Sears (loc.?)
Sego (Ga.)
Selah (loc?)
Selective (Calif.)
Selmer H (Tenn.)
Senators (Ga.)
Sensational Sounds (loc?)
Sentry (loc?)
Sequatchie (Tenn.)
Serenity (loc?)
Sermons In Song (loc?)
Service (Tenn.)
Seven Iron (Mich.)
Shack (loc?)
Shadow (Tenn.)
Shamrock (Okla.)
Shane (Ga.)
Shanon (Mo.)
Sharon (Calif.)
Sharp (Tenn.)
Shasta (Calif.)
Shawnee (Ohio)
Shelby (Mich.)
Shennvalley (Va.)
Shepherd Of The Hills (Ark.)
Sheri (Calif.)
Shield (Ohio)
Shining Star (loc?)
Sho-Me (Mo.)
Shoals (Ala.)
Shoestring (Va.)
Shropshire (Ohio)
Sierras (loc?)
Sierria (loc?)
Signature (N.Y.)
Silver (Ohio)
Silver Dollar (loc?)
Silver Spur (Calif.)
Silver Star (Tenn.)
Silver-Belle (N.Y.)
Silverline Productions (loc?)
Sims (Tenn.)
Sing (Fla.)
Sing (Ga.)
Sing (Tenn.)
Singathon (N.C.)
Singin' Time (Ky.)
Singing For Jesus (S.C.)
Singing Preacher (Ind.)
Singspiration (Ill.)
Singtime (Calif.)
Singtime (Ill.)
Sioux (loc?)
Skinners Music Shop (Ohio)
Skipper (Mo.)
Skipper (loc?)
Sky Pilot (Calif.)
Sky-View (Ky.)
Skyland (Ohio)
Skyland (Tenn.)
Skylite (Calif.)
Skylite (Tenn.: Memphis)
Skylite (Tenn.: Nashville)
Skytone (Mont.)
Skyview (N.C.)
Slate (N.J.)
Smiling Jack Enterprises (loc?)
Smith (Mo.)
Smith (loc?)
Smith Family (Ala.)
Snap (Tenn.)
Solid Rocl (loc?)
Somerset (Calif.)
Song Of Deliverance (Tenn.)
Songs For Jesus (loc?)
Songs From Me For You (loc?)
Songs From Renfro Valley (loc?)
Songs Of Calvary (Ore.)
Songs Of Faith (Ga.)
Songs Of Faith (Tenn.)
Songs Of Inspiration (Ala.)
Songs Of Inspiration (Ky.)
Songs Of Inspiration (loc?)
Songs Of Jesus (loc?)
Songs Of Pentecost (Ohio)
Songs Of Praise (loc?)
Songs Of Sharon (Ga.: Murrayville))
Songs Of Sharon (Ga.: Smyrna)
Songs Of The Asbury Hour (Ohio)
Songs Of The Cross (Calif.)
Songs Of The Redeemed (Ohio)
Sonora (N.Y.)
Sonora (Tenn.)
Soul Stirring (N.C.)
Souls Harbor (Texas)
Sound Associates (Mich.)
Sound Of Joy (loc?)
Sound Tex (Texas)
Sound-Pak (loc?)
Soundcraft (loc?)
Soundcraft Associates (Mass.)
Sounds Of America (Tenn.)
Sounds Of Atlanta (Ga.)
Sounds Of Gospel Music (Tenn.)
Sounds Of Happy Hatley (S.C.)
Sounds Of Winston (N.C.)
Sounds Of Youth (loc?)
South Parkersburg EUB Church (W.Va.)
South-Eastern (loc?)
South-eastern Bible College (Fla.)
Southern (Ohio)
Southern Cross (Ky.)
Southern Gospel Singers (Ark.)
Southern Gospel Songs (Calif.)
Southern Joy (S.C.)
Southern-aires (Ohio)
Southside (loc?)
Southtone (Fla.)
Sovereign Grace (Ohio)
Space (loc?)
Spar (Tenn.)
Sparkle (Tenn.)
Sparrow (Tenn.)
Spartain (loc?)
Spectator (Miss.)
Speer Family (Tenn.)
Spencer (Ohio)
Spin Check (loc?)
Spin-O-Rama (N.J.)
Spires (Ohio)
Spirit (Texas)
Spirit Of Harmony (loc?)
Spiritual (Ky.: Covington)
Spiritual (Ky.: Newport)
Spiritual (Mich.)
Spiritual (Ohio: Cincinnati)
Spiritual (Ohio: Columbus)
Spiritual (Tenn.)
Split (Tenn.)
Spot-Lite (Ala.)
Spring (Ohio)
Spring (loc?)
Spur (loc?)
St. Francis (Ark.)
Staff (Ind.)
Staley (N.C.)
Stamey (loc?)
Stamey's (N.C.)
Stamps Quartet Music (Texas)
Stanal (Nebr.)
Standing (Ohio)
Star (Ind.)
Star (Ohio)
Star (W.Va.)
Star (loc?)
Star Talent (Texas)
Star-Kay (Mo.)
Starday (Tenn.)
Starday (Texas)
Starday (regional)
Stark (N.C.)
Starland (Tenn.)
Starlight (Ohio)
Starlight (loc?)
Starlit (Tenn.)
Starlite (N.C.)
Starlite (Ohio)
Starlite (Tenn.)
Starlite (loc?)
Starr (Ohio)
Starr Mount (N.C.)
Stars (Ga.)
Startime (Tenn.)
Starway (loc?)
State (Texas)
Statesmen (Ga.)
Stateswood (Ga.)
Stateswood (Tenn.)
Steeple (Ala.)
Steeple (Tenn.)
Steeple (loc?)
Steeple Tone (loc?)
Step (Ga.)
Stereo Spectrum (N.Y.)
Stereo/Sonic (loc?)
Sterling (Mass.)
Sterling (N.Y.)
Sterling (loc?)
Stinson (N.Y.)
Stone (loc?)
Stone Chapel Church (loc?)
Stone Mountain (loc?)
Stop (Tenn.)
Straightway (loc?)
Strand (Ohio)
String Sacred (N.C.)
Stripe (Tenn.)
Stuart Sisters (Ala.)
Stuart Trio (Ala.)
Style (Tenn.)
Sulkie (Ohio)
Sullivan (S.C.)
Sullivan (loc?)
Sully (Okla.)
Sumar (Tenn.)
Sumar (loc?)
Sumit (Pa.)
Summit (Ill.)
Summit (Ky.)
Summit (loc?)
Sun (Tenn.)
Sun Spot (Miss.)
Sun-Ray (Ky.)
Sun-Ray (Va.)
Sundown (Calif.)
Sunlight (N.C.)
Sunlite (Ga.)
Sunlite (Ind.)
Sunlite (N.C.)
Sunny Delta (loc?)
Sunnyland (Tenn.)
Sunrise (Ohio)
Sunrise (S.C.)
Sunshine (Ind.)
Sunshine (Okla.)
Sunshine (loc?)
Sunshine Party (Ind.)
Super (Ill.: Glen Ellyn)
Super (Ill.: Villa Park)
Super Disc (N.Y.)
Superior (Ala.)
Superior SSE (W.Va.)
Superior Sound Studios (Tenn.)
Supreme (Calif.)
Supreme (Tenn.)
Sur-Speed (Tenn.: Bon Aqua)
Sur-Speed (Tenn.: Nashville)
Sure (Mo.)
Sutton (loc?)
Suwannee (Ga.)
Swan (loc?)
Sword & Shield (Texas: Arlington)
Sword & Shield (Texas: Dallas)
Sword & Shield (Texas: Fort Worth)
Sword (Texas)
Symphonic (Va.)
Compilation & presentation © 2020, Terry E. Gordon
This page generated on 12/08/2024
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